Tuesday, April 10, 2012


dis entry i would like to dedic8 to my dear supporters..

sesape jela...
Family ke, my dear boyfriend ke,best fren, frens ke,public ke..

i really wanna thank for every support that u gave to me...
but i only have 2 hands to shake with u ..hahah
so today, the purpose is..

to say millions of thank  for all advices, positive comments, and maybe ur opinion/ suggestion..
about what?

oke especially about my dream that never comes true..hhaha..
 my diet program ..=)

perkembangan diet program yg da berlangsung dari awal February 2012
sampai la skrg bulan April masih berjalan lg...

ade +ve feedback from friends yg tgk,ade yg -ve jgk...tp yg -ve to aku sendiri akui..ahhaha

so the +ve 1 ..
my body shape became smaller than before dis ofcourse..
but then i dunno y..my weight is just the same like before.haha
still 65kg..
sometimes naik n sometimes turunn..(ape ni campur2..bantai jela.hik2)

oke..xpe..im fine je..

tipu la fine!!...
im not oke with that condition la...
little bit down...=(

kenapa ni??
lemak tepu ke ape??
please la lemak..
get out from my body!


by the way...
xpe la..mayb lmbat sket kan...
baru masuk bulan ke 3 ...
org nak kurus kena 8 bulan...so...u have another 5 months to work hard
(nabila is positive thinker actually)


ni nak share nmpak x perubahan sket?

sikit je kan??
wat camne..mmg sumpah lemak tepu..ahha

hopefully aku berjaya la capai 55kg aku tuu...ngeh ngeh ngeh..

so aku harap korg pon doakan kejayaan aku...
nnt boleyh la buat aku idola..hauhaua.

oh..nak ckp sket pasal previous entry...
sorry to my dear engineer..hahah
sy bukan nye salahkan awk pon..
sy tawu awk keje...
cume...biase lah..kan awk kenal sy mmg camni..
bile xde kabar dr awk..
mula la gelisah...

xde ape pon..
sy still boleyh tggu awk la...
dun worry..
janji awk syg sy dah la..

pasal job awk yg bakal bersambung ke Vietnam plak tu sy pon xley kata ape..
juz leyh bg awk smgt utk menyiapkan kerja2 awk..
belum sempat balik KL da kene g job baru ye..
sian awk...

sy kesian tp nak wat camne..tu kan kerja BF sy...
nnt kalau kat sana..jgn lupekan sy ea..
(mcm xbiase lak)

saya sedia menunggu kepulangan awk...huhu

n plus..sy doakan diet program kita tahun ni berjaya...
jgn mkn byk2 ye kat kapal ye b...
i love u..
i miss u so much of course...
 take care b....